Friday, August 15, 2008

The start of a new thing... I am never the first one to dive into something new. I like to make sure that when I start a new adventure the effort is worth the end result. Not everything is worth the effort entirely, but sometimes we just grin and bear it anyway. Take traditions for example. Is it really worth listening to your kids complain every time you make dinner in a pumpkin at Halloween? Probably not, but the effort is made every year anyway in hopes that when they look back on Halloween as a child they remember something more than just the candy.
And so...after evaluating the idea of a blog, I have decided to take the same approach. It might not be entirely worth the effort, but it might just be something worth looking back on.

To first explain the title..."Some days are just like that..." It was taken from a book that was an absolute childhood favorite. The author is Judith Viorst, and the title of the book is "Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day." It was read to me by my grandmother almost every Sunday evening when I visited her and my grandfather. The reading was always accompanied by a treat of some sort, and over time the visits were cherished. As a college student I completed a creative writing class and after being forced by the professor to write about a fond childhood memory, I decided the book was a must-have, and a must-read to my own future children. Now that my future children are here...I take the book out on occasion and remind them that not all days in life are perfect. No matter if your marble goes down the drain, or the if the night light burns out, or if there isn't a prize in your breakfast cereal box, there is always something in everyday to be positive about. Hopefully the moral of the story is sinking in now so they can look back on the simplicity of one bad day in the same light I realized in that awful college writing class.

And so, we enter the world of blogging to report to you and to ourselves the facts of our everyday lives. The days might just be packed with the terrible, horrible, no good very bad....but we are going to report on them anyhow.

Welcome to our new blog! We hope to make it entertaining and most importantly...the truth about the fun in our family life from day to day.


Cami said...

Janna, I loved reading your story, it made me think of my grandma and our traditions. Today is one of those horrible no good days....I am trying really hard to love all my children!

Anonymous said...

Cam emailed me your blog. This is so neat to read. It also took me back to sitting on my grandpa's lap with "The Velveteen Rabit." What an awesome memory for me. I would still like to purchase this book and read it to my kids.

I like the moral of your book. It is really important to find those things to be grateful for, and hopefully help our children see what is important.

Anonymous said...

By the way, LOVE your family picture. What a beautiful family you have.

moliver said...

Janna, it's great to see that you've got a blog. I tried to fight it but I just started one myself. If you'd like to see ours send me your email address and I'll send you an invite. I hope all is going well for your family!

BarlowFamily said...

Derris . . . It is so random that I found this on the net. How r you? Your family is adorable! Can you give me an email address for Amy? I haven't talked to her in ages! Stephanie Weighall Barlow